Repro is a growth platform for mobile apps empowered by the following features: easy and flexible…
Growth marketers, product managers, and data analysts use Indicative to optimize customer conversion, engagement, and retention.
UXCam is the market leader for qualitative app analytics. UXCam provides instant insight into customer behavior in the app through deep analysis of user sessions, events, screen flows, heatmaps, and interactions.
Meet FullStory, the app that captures all your customer experience data in one powerful platform.
MouseStats is a user experience analytics suite which provides a comprehensive set of tools to…
Record and replay web app issues. See them the way they happened to end users.
Appsee’s qualitative app analytics lets you watch user session recordings and touch heatmaps for every screen, supplying you with a deeper understanding of user behavior and performance issues.
The #1 Leader in Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys & More. Sign up for a 15-day free trial and start learning from real user behavior today!
Zarget is new age AB testing and Heatmap software that lets you optimize your website with just a few clicks thereby increasing sales.
PageLever is a tool that takes Facebook Insights and adds more analytics. Learn how to drive more fans, traffic, comments and newsfeed impressions.