Tired of supporting the buggy application [see 109 vulnerabilities listed here], Adobe discontinued the product and canceled all support for it in 2020. Another company, HARMAN, purchased the Adobe AIR product line from Adobe and has released their own version of Adobe AIR, which is available for download from their site.
over 1 year ago
Um….not really. It’s barely a shell of what it was. Flash is no longer supported by browsers. Air is not supported by Adobe. Canvas and Web Gl maybe. https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2019/05/30/the-future-of-adobe-air.html#gs.unf6sw https://www.computerworld.com/article/3403345/where-do-browsers-stand-on-flashs-impending-demise.html.
– Source: Hacker News
over 3 years ago