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Adobe FrameMaker

Company Overview

A desktop publishing (DTP) and word processing application that is popular for large documents.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Structured Authoring

    Adobe FrameMaker offers robust support for structured authoring, which is ideal for organizations that need to maintain consistency and reuse content across multiple documents.

  • XML/DITA Support

    With comprehensive support for XML and DITA, FrameMaker makes it easier to create, manage, and publish technical content.

  • Advanced Formatting

    The software provides sophisticated formatting capabilities, allowing for complex document structures and high-quality output.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility

    FrameMaker supports Windows and boasts features like PDF generation and HTML5 publishing, making it versatile across different platforms.

  • Multiple Output Formats

    You can publish documents in various formats including PDF, EPUB, web-based HTML5, and more, ensuring wide accessibility.

  • Strong Multilingual Support

    It offers extensive support for multiple languages, which is beneficial for global documentation teams.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


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