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Apache OpenOffice Calc

Company Overview

Calc, part of the https://alternativeto.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Free of Charge

    Apache OpenOffice Calc is an open-source software, meaning it is available for free without any licensing fees.

  • Cross-Platform

    Calc is compatible with multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Compatibility

    It can open, edit, and save in various file formats including Microsoft Excel files.

  • Extensions

    The platform supports a wide range of extensions and plugins to expand its functionality.

  • Community Support

    Since it’s open-source, a large community is available to provide support, forums, and shared resources.

  • Customizable

    Users can customize the tool with macros and other personal adjustments to fit their specific needs.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


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