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Balsamiq Mockups

Company Overview

Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but its digital, so you can tweak and rearrange...


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Social Recommendations

  • UI elements with a hand-drawn, sketchy look

    My favorite tool for this is Balsamiq Wireframes: Having to write code loses the point of quick and dirty.

    – Source: Hacker News
    4 months ago

  • Rough.js: Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance

    Me of – guy used to do a lot of startup blogs about it.

    – Source: Hacker News
    9 months ago

  • Best package for doing UI/UX

    If you want to lay it out, use something like Balsamiq first. Just wireframe it. You’ll be surprised how much better your last version is than your first version. Once you’re done, you can try to make a nice version in Figma. And then do the hard part and do the actual programming.

    over 1 year ago

  • Show HN: TinyUX – Grid based low-fi wireframing on your mobile phone

    > I still don’t get this. Isn’t it just using a different style of outline around buttons? What is lo-fi about it? Wouldn’t lo-fi be something that was much lower memory and much faster to draw, like solid color boxes? Low-fidelity is jargon. It’s a word used in the UX Design community for high level, low detail design artifacts. Perhaps you are thinking of low-fi audio and try to match that to wire-frames….

    – Source: Hacker News
    almost 2 years ago

  • Ask HN: Is there an “uncanny valley” effect with startup MVPs

    …to the point that (great) UX and wireframing tools like Balsamiq look crappy _on purpose_: Which all kinda makes sense, with the intuitive reasoning being: If you had time and money to sink into a pixel-perfect design, you’re already one step beyond product-market fit, so creating a too good impression might not work in your favor.

    – Source: Hacker News
    over 2 years ago

  • Best way to make mock ups for beginners

    Sounds like Photoshop is the wrong tool. For the wireframe stage, I’d go for something simple like Balsamiq. Otherwise, Adobe offers AdobeXD specifically for such mockups. I have quite a few friends who specialize in UX, and almost all of them live by Figma. Good luck!

    over 2 years ago

  • Neobrutalism Is Taking over the Web

    Looks more like wireframism to me – for example

    – Source: Hacker News
    over 2 years ago

  • Why aren’t devs making desktop apps any more

    I think it’s a hugely overlooked market. Look at the sales numbers from Balsamiq for example: Personally there are loads of desktop apps I want, maybe after getting Beekeeper Studio profitable I’ll make some more :-).

    – Source: Hacker News
    over 2 years ago

  • Create a Database with Many to Many Relationships (GUI, Drag and Drop)

    I think “we should start with the end in mind”. Could you draw up using a tool like a wireframe of what the user of the system would see and then we can work from a “user story” back to entity diagram with a tool like

    about 3 years ago

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