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Company Overview

Clever Cloud helps developers deploy and run their apps with bulletproof infrastructure, automatic scaling, fair pricing and other cool features.


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Social Recommendations

  • Upgrade your JHipster project to Java 17

    At BearStudio, we are using CleverCloud which allows to edit the target Java version very easily thanks the CC_JAVA_VERSION environment variable, which set up to 17 before saving your changes.

    – Source:
    over 2 years ago

  • Access logs on Node JS with Winston, Morgan, and storage on Elasticsearch

    At Promyze, our PaaS provider CleverCloud offers many great features and add-ons to run Web apps. However, there are currently limitations for managing access logs and route them to an external system, such as an ELK stack. CleverCloud allows for draining server logs to Elasticsearch, but there’s no parsing option, and our logs are considered a single string object.

    – Source:
    almost 3 years ago

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