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Coffee Meets Bagel

Company Overview

Each week there are thousands of new couples who find each other through Coffee Meets Bagel! Find your Everything Bagel today.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Quality Matches

    Coffee Meets Bagel focuses on curating quality matches rather than a large quantity, which can lead to more meaningful connections.

  • Detailed Profiles

    The app encourages users to fill out detailed profiles, helping to get a better sense of a potential match’s personality and interests.

  • Safer Environment

    The app has measures in place to create a safer dating experience, including social media verification and a strong stance against inappropriate behavior.

  • Limited Daily Matches

    Users receive a limited number of matches each day, which can reduce overwhelm and allow for more thoughtful consideration of each match.

  • Focus on Women

    The app often gives women more control over their matching experience, which can empower them to initiate conversations.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons

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