Grow your community and let your products shine!

Company Overview

Localize your product in a seamless way.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Source Files Management

    Support of all popular file formats, files prioritization, export options, file revisions with a rollback possibility.

  • Over-The-Air Content Delivery

    An API to distribute and deliver translated content to the end users. Can be used with Crowdin Android and iOS SDK

  • Sketch Plugin

    Automate translation of content on your pages and artboards into multiple languages. Quickly generate language-specific assets.

  • Jira Integration

    Keep track of issues in the source strings reported by users working on the project translation. Each new issue in Crowdin becomes a sub-task in Jira automatically.

  • Translation memory

    Translation Memory (TM) is the vault of previously translated content from a particular project.

  • Google Play Integration

    Crowdin’s integration with Google Play improves the process of your app’s data localization.

  • GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab Integrations

    Keep files synchronized between your repository in version control system and project in Crowdin.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


    Social Recommendations

    • How to Translate Your Next.js App in 5 Minutes With Crowdin

      We decided to see if there are any solutions to this issue on the market, did a bit of research, and decided to try out Crowdin – and we think it’s awesome! It offers:.

      – Source:
      about 1 month ago

    • A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev — Unlimited projects, unlimited strings, and collaborators for Open Source.

      – Source:
      8 months ago

    • Coding for UX writers

      We’re using Crowdin for this, since we need to localise with external partners to different languages: But there are other options on the market that are geared more towards providing a true source of text, like Frontitude or Ditto:

      10 months ago

    • “the USA is the dominant english speaking country”…”and? plenty of places have things they are known for which didn’t originate there, like ireland and potatoes

      You can try for coordinating translation.

      about 1 year ago

    • best i18n package for nextjs?

      Any specific recommendations on which one to choose? Any translation system to recommend? Such as

      over 1 year ago

    • Just launched Secrets 4 – A Password Manager with sharing on iCloud

      For translations I can recommend you to use sites such as Crowdin, OneSky, Transifex, Weblate. Lot of smaller (singe or small team) developers are handling translations with the help of their users. You would be surprised how easy and how fast it is to manage translations at no (or nearly) cost this way. There is a lot of users willing to help to translate the app to their native languages.

      over 1 year ago

    • Where can I find the files responsible for translation? (And can I even?)

      I want to make some modifications because there are some mistakes, but I don’t want to go to because it’ll be in vain. So, where are these files located? And I am not talking about .minecraft/assets/virtual/legacy/lang, no, because there are names of only some items in them.

      over 1 year ago

    • Markdown, Asciidoc, or reStructuredText – a tale of docs-as-code

      Internationalization (i18n) pain for a documentation project is a process problem, not a feature gap. Documentation frameworks are not meant to translate your developer docs for you into the language of your choice. Some frameworks might offer i18n support, like the Crowdin support in Docusauraus v2. With Jekyll, you have to pick a theme like this one. I doubt if the reST or adoc frameworks would differ much from…

      – Source:
      over 1 year ago

    • How to Send Multilingual Emails with Courier and Crowdin

      Crowdin is a cloud-based localization management software that speeds up and automates the localization of your content, from websites, apps, and marketing campaigns to software and games. No matter what type of content you translate — the more routine tasks you can automate, the more time your team can spend on what’s relevant.

      – Source:
      over 1 year ago

    • — Unlimited projects, unlimited strings and collaborators for Open Source.

      – Source:
      almost 2 years ago

    • Community Driven Translations

      Using something like Crowdin (A website that lets you create localizations for games and apps) could be nice for this :).

      almost 2 years ago

    • Translations for the Manager are now open!

      To contribute, just create a Crowdin account and help us at our Crowdin page! Any help is very appreciated :D.

      about 2 years ago

    • Auta meitä lisäämään suomea Ukrainan sotatarinoihin

      Are you using some crowd sourced translation tool like But like most said – finnish translation should probably be low on the list since most finns would choose english anyway.

      about 2 years ago

    • Trusting contributor to be the owner of Crowdin organization

      I am the developer of an open source project and a user proposed to use Crowdin as the platform to work on internationalization. This user also created an organization on Crowdin with the name of my project and asked to join. If you want to see the post, there you go.

      about 2 years ago

    • Crowdin Language Services: The Fastest Way to Make Your Product Multilingual

      Create an account or log into Crowdin and create a localization project.

      – Source:
      over 2 years ago

    • Does the emulator only have English as the language?

      Just add it on Crowdin and see what happen .

      almost 3 years ago

    • How can I translate an app to my own language?

      If the author of the app use a public translation service like or you can do it via web browser.

      about 3 years ago

    • What does everyone use to manage i18n?

      We are using atm. Quite happy with it. I like that it recognises lots of formats, does a nice job at detecting variables, and pricing is reasonable imo. Support was also very nice. The way they have translation partners that are on the platform makes it really easy to get stuff translated.

      about 3 years ago

    • Free for dev – list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) — Unlimited projects, unlimited strings and collaborators for Open Source.

      – Source:
      about 3 years ago

    • Paru is Now Looking for Translators

      It’s a translation platform, much like Crowdin, Weblate or Zanata (Fedora finished its move from Weblate to Zanata this year). They all work the same — you translate string-by-string from English to your language of choice.

      about 3 years ago

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