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Company Overview

Encryption & Authentication.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Reputation

    DigiCert is a well-established and trusted Certificate Authority (CA) known for its reliability and high standards in providing SSL/TLS certificates.

  • Wide Range of Certificates

    DigiCert offers a diverse suite of SSL/TLS certificates including standard, wildcard, and extended validation (EV) options, ensuring that businesses can find the right level of security for their needs.

  • Fast Issuance

    DigiCert is known for its quick certificate issuance times, often able to provide certificates within minutes, which is beneficial for businesses needing rapid deployment.

  • Excellent Support

    DigiCert provides high-quality 24/7 customer support, helping users to resolve their issues quickly and efficiently.

  • Advanced Features

    Advanced security features and tools like certificate management platforms and vulnerability assessment services enhance overall online security and simplify management.

  • High Compatibility

    DigiCert certificates are widely recognized and compatible across various platforms, browsers, and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

  • Strong Encryption

    DigiCert SSL/TLS certificates offer strong encryption standards, which secure data transmission and protect sensitive information from interception and tampering.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


    Social Recommendations

    • Is this common on the unifi network app for Mac?

      To add to what others have said while trying and failing to be technical about it. This is normal. The web browser is saying this because it has no way to tell if the site you are trying to go to is the real site or has been faked in some way. So this warning just means you need to make sure on your own that what you are connecting to is what you think you are connecting to. When going to a site out on the…

      over 1 year ago

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