I just made another reply mentioning easypost.com and orangemailer.co for electronic stamps, without the monthly fee that Stamps.com has.
about 1 year ago
If you want electronic labels, you can use easypost.com. It’s geared toward companies that write software to interface with their API. You can make labels through their website, but it’s tot as customer friendly as something like pirateship.com which doesn’t do envelope postage.
about 1 year ago
I personally use easypost.com . Costs the same as a stamp, lets me print it on a letter, and gives me tracking (of a sort). I suspect stamps.com has a similar features.
over 1 year ago
My contribution ID on IndieGoGo is 2250. I got an email from IndieGoGo on Thu 27 Jan that said: “Your perk has shipped!” If I press the link in that email to track it, it takes me to easypost.com, which tells me that on Wed 26 Jan, the Purple was in the pre-transit stage (whatever that means), but a USPS shipping label has been created (whatever that means). It has remained in this stage for eleven days now, with…
over 2 years ago
They are not trolling I am up to date with my scans I can’t recommend enough going to easypost.com and clicking the carriers section. Packageportal have confirmed they will accept every one of these. For now the only Amazon that will be accepted is Amazon Logistics (think its called Amazon post is other places) as they have a open API. Amazon logistics in the UK is used by smaller retailers and offers a service…
over 3 years ago