Fast Setup
ExpressJS provides a minimal and flexible framework that allows rapid setup and development of web and mobile applications.
Middleware Support
ExpressJS has a robust middleware system, allowing developers to add reusable functions to the request-handling pipeline.
ExpressJS is highly extensible through third-party libraries and built-in functionality, catering to the needs of various applications.
Due to its minimalist core, ExpressJS provides efficient performance and is capable of handling a high number of requests per second.
Community and Ecosystem
A large and active community provides extensive documentation, support, and a wide array of open-source packages to extend functionality.
Compared to full-stack frameworks, ExpressJS gives developers the freedom to structure their applications as they see fit.
ExpressJS works seamlessly with various template engines, databases, and other frameworks, making it versatile for different project requirements.
It’s like Express, but more fleshed out with built-in features that developers from languages like Java or C# will recognize, such as a modular architecture, middleware, and tools for request interception and validation.
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21 days ago
Encore.ts is Open Source backend framework for TypeScript. This guide walks you through how to migrate an Express.js app to Encore.ts to gain type-safe APIs and 9x performance boost.
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18 days ago
It’s also worth mentioning that Perseid provides out-of-the-box support for React, VueJS, Svelte, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Express and Fastify.
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13 days ago
Next, I selected the technologies and frameworks I want to focus on during this challenge. For frontend development, I’ll be exploring Reactjs, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Next.js, and MUI. For backend development, I’ll be diving into Express, Django, Node.js, PHP, and Firebase. Additionally, I’ll be learning Kotlin, React Native, and Flutter for mobile development, and APIs, PostgreSQL, Cloud, and MongoDB for full stack…
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about 1 month ago
The platform consists of an Express.js backend and a React frontend, each requiring a separate build process. Furthermore, we adhere to the Adaptive design philosophy, meaning we create distinct builds for mobile and desktop, to minimize the bundle size.
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about 2 months ago
Crawly’s main dependencies are express@4.13.3, mongodb@3.6.3, jade@1.11.0 (templating), passport@0.3.2, and request@2.67.0. It also included mocha and phantomjs for testing.
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about 2 months ago
As an example, let’s assume we are using Node.JS and Express framework for our backend. We can implement this middleware which uses the Joi validation library under the hood. The middleware can look something like:.
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2 months ago
APIs are often the key to enabling interoperability between AML/KYC solutions and other systems. Design APIs following RESTful principles—using libraries like ExpressJs (JavaScript), Flask (Python), or Actix Web (Rust)—ensuring they are stateless and support the JSON/XML formats expected by most systems. Use Swagger to generate detailed documentation for RESTful APIs to facilitate integration and ensure your APIs…
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2 months ago
Express.js is by far the most popular framework.
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2 months ago
In this exampple, we’ll be using ExpressJS with the Socket.IO library. Although there are others out there, Socket.IO is a great library that makes working with WebSockets in NodeJS easier.
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3 months ago
The open source projects Fastly uses and the foundations we partner with are vital to Fastly’s mission and success. Here’s an unscientific list of projects and organizations supported by the Linux Foundation that we use and love include: The Linux Kernel, Kubernetes, containerd, eBPF, Falco, OpenAPI Initiative, ESLint, Express, Fastify, Lodash, Mocha, Node.js, Prometheus, Jenkins, OpenTelemetry, Envoy, etcd, Helm,…
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3 months ago
Our Node.js application will be a simple Express API server that functions like a Gemini chatbot. It will listen on two endpoints. First, a POST request to /chat (which will include a JSON payload with a message attribute) will send the message to Gemini and then return the response. Our application will keep a running chat conversation with Gemini. This turns our chatbot into a helpful assistant who can hold onto…
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4 months ago
ExpressJs is a popular open-source web application framework for Node.js that is widely used to build web applications and APIs. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and performance, making it a popular choice for developers who need a lightweight and scalable framework for their projects.
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4 months ago
Strapi provides a great content management system; we can easily pull in user-specific data, such as names or preferences, and inject them into our email templates to make them more engaging. Strapi is scalable and offers a user-friendly interface with built-in API capabilities, which will help streamline the development process and reduce the time and effort it would cost to build something similar with another…
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4 months ago
The Gen2 GCP cloud functions use ExpressJS on top of Cloud Run. ExpressJS comes with a development server. So, why not directly develop it locally in Express and then put it in a Dockerfile? Well, that’s a lot of work, and you must be familiar with Docker and Cloud Run. GCP Cloud Functions gen2 abstracts many things for you.
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4 months ago
Now, we will create API using expressjs. When we created application using –ssr flag, the Angular CLI already took care of installing expressjs for us.
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5 months ago
First, we import express. The Express framework allows us to create routes that will respond to webhook POST requests and serve an HTML file when a GET request is made to the root of the site.
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5 months ago
In the JavaScript ecosystem, there are guides for enabling SAML-based enterprise single sign-on in AdonisJS, Express.js, Next.js, Remix, and React with an Express.js backend.
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6 months ago
Starting off strong with Express.js, the cool kid on the block for building web apps. It’s lightweight, flexible, and doesn’t throw a tantrum when you ask it to scale. With Express, you can handle HTTP requests like a pro, play around with middleware, set up routes without breaking a sweat, and render views that make your app look stunning. Big names like Netflix and Uber are already on board, and if it’s good…
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6 months ago
Express – one of the most popular middleware tools, lightweight and easy to learn. docs.
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6 months ago
Now we can install both Express and libraries:.
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6 months ago