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Company Overview

Feedbin is an RSS reader with a beautiful reading experience.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • User Interface

    Feedbin offers a clean, minimalist interface that makes it easy to manage and read your feeds.

  • Integration

    It integrates well with multiple services like Pocket, Instapaper, and others for a seamless content-saving experience.

  • Search Functionality

    Advanced search capabilities allow users to quickly find articles and posts from their feeds.

  • Open Source

    Being open-source, it offers transparency and potential for customization.

  • Customization

    Users can tag articles, create custom searches, and fine-tune the appearance to suit their preferences.

  • No Ads

    Feedbin is ad-free, providing an uninterrupted reading experience.

  • Performance

    Fast loading times and efficient syncing ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons

    Social Recommendations

    • RIP Google Reader

      I find almost identical (Feedly feels a bit too different for my liking, but is clearly the most popular) but it also feels like times have moved on and I don’t find myself using it in the same way. The blogosphere isn’t quite what it was back in the late 00s.

      – Source: Hacker News
      over 3 years ago

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