GitHub provides a platform for multiple developers to work on the same project concurrently, facilitating collaboration through features like pull requests, code reviews, and issues tracking.
GitHub integrates seamlessly with various third-party tools and services, such as CI/CD pipelines, project management tools, and many development environments, enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency.
Utilizes Git for version control, allowing users to track changes, revert to previous versions if necessary, and manage different branches of development, ensuring code stability and history tracking.
With millions of developers and a vast repository of open-source projects, GitHub fosters a robust community where users can contribute to projects, seek help, share knowledge, and collaborate broadly.
GitHub is a cloud-based platform, which means that projects are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, providing flexibility and convenience to developers globally.
GitHub allows for comprehensive project documentation through README files, wikis, and GitHub Pages, making it easier for users to understand project context and contribute effectively.
Git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting.
– Source:
3 days ago
local repo = input.fargs
local url = ‘’
local plugin_dir = vim.fn.stdpath(‘config’)
.. ‘/pack/vendor/start/%s’if repo[1] == nil or repo[2] == nil then
local msg = ‘Must provide user name and repository’
vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN)
endlocal full_url =…
– Source:
5 days ago
Const REMOTE_URL = ‘’;
Const tryExec = require(‘./utils/try-exec’);
Function prompt(message) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const readline = require(‘readline’).createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
readline.question(message, (answer) => {
– Source:
6 days ago
GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket: These platforms provide easy-to-use interfaces for Git, adding features like pull requests, issue tracking, and more. Explore GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.
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8 days ago
There is a solution! — you can use the runners that GitHub provides for free for open source projects, on which you can run a script or whatever.
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9 days ago
Version control is a crucial aspect of development. Git, combined with GitHub, allows for seamless collaboration across teams, enabling developers to work on different parts of a project simultaneously. GitHub’s repository features make managing open-source contributions easy and efficient.
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10 days ago
Log in to GitHub: Visit and log in to your account.
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12 days ago
Another reason I’d like to use the GitHub version diff tool is that you can access the diff tool by editing the URL directly without using the UI to choose branches to compare.[user_name or org_name]/[repository_name]/compare/[base]..[compare]. You can even compare commits in this way.
– Source:
2 months ago
Here’s the spicy bit: open source isn’t just about coding. It’s about collaboration, transparency, and community. When you contribute to an open source project, you’re not just adding a new feature or fixing a bug; you’re joining a global tribe of code enthusiasts who are passionate about making software better. One of the pupular tool which most of the open source contributors and developers use is Github.
– Source:
13 days ago
Open source contributions are typically made through platforms like GitHub, where developers can submit changes via pull requests that are reviewed and potentially merged into the main project by the maintainers.
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13 days ago
Create a GitHub Account: If you don’t already have one, sign up for GitHub.
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15 days ago
We are now all set to deploy our app.
First upload the codebase in a GitHub repository.
Then click here to sign in to your streamlit account and go to My Apps section:.
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14 days ago
Description: Go to GitHub or another Git hosting service and create a new repository.
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about 1 year ago
Open source contributions are typically made through platforms like GitHub, where developers can submit changes via pull requests that are reviewed and potentially merged into the main project by the maintainers.
– Source:
19 days ago
In the command above, replace with the domain where you store your files, such as Bitbucket or Gitlab. Additionally, substitute USERNAME with your username and PROJECT_NAME with the desired project name.
– Source:
27 days ago
► connecting to
✔ repository “” created
► cloning branch “main” from Git repository “”
✔ cloned repository
► generating component manifests
✔ generated component manifests
✔ committed component manifests to “main” (“b5e6afe53fdeffd80a9086ef82d15a3a3c73c2ec”)
► pushing component manifests to “”
– Source:
24 days ago
— create Paddle foreign server
Create server paddle_server
foreign data wrapper wasm_wrapper
options (
— check all available versions at
fdw_package_url ‘’,
fdw_package_name ‘supabase:paddle-fdw’,
fdw_package_version ‘0.1.1’,
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27 days ago
Navigate to GitHub, and click on Sign up on the right of the header.
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28 days ago
To Set up a private GitHub repository for DAG, you can create a new one using the Github website’s UI.
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about 1 month ago
Learn Version Control (GIT) : Git is a very popular version control system and Github allows you to upload, host and manage your code using Git. Start with setting up the Git in your system, read here and create your account on Github. Start with learning about repositories, snapshots, commits and branches on Chai aur Code Youtube channel by Hitesh Chaudhary.
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about 1 month ago
Finally, I invite you to try out SafeLine for yourself, and join the discussion on Discord and GitHub.
– Source:
about 1 month ago