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Company Overview

Gwenview is an image viewer for KDE.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • User Interface

    Gwenview offers a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their images.

  • Integration

    It integrates well with KDE and other KDE applications, providing a seamless experience for users within the KDE ecosystem.

  • Performance

    Gwenview is optimized for performance, offering quick image loading and smooth navigation through large image collections.

  • Feature Set

    Provides a robust set of features including basic editing tools, slideshow creation, and support for a wide range of image formats.

  • Batch Processing

    Includes batch processing capabilities, allowing users to perform operations like resizing and renaming on multiple images at once.

  • Open Source

    As an open-source application, it is free to use, and users can contribute to its development or customize it to their needs.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


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