hapi.js promotes a configuration-centric approach, allowing developers to define and manage server settings, routes, and plugins through a clear and concise configuration object.
Plugin Architecture
hapi.js has a robust plugin system which provides an easy way to extend functionality, modularize code, and manage dependencies. This makes it simple to add new features without altering the core structure.
Security Features
hapi.js includes built-in security features such as input validation, authentication, and protection against common vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
Detailed API Documentation
hapi.js provides extensive and well-organized documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and utilize its features effectively.
hapi.js offers high flexibility with optional middleware, allowing developers to choose how they want to handle requests and responses, integrate third-party libraries, and more.
Support for Asynchronous Code
hapi.js has strong support for asynchronous programming, making it easier to handle non-blocking I/O operations and build scalable applications.
I tend to use hapi ( instead of Express if I need to write a quick backend for something these days. Fastify looks nice too but I haven’t used it. Been burnt by full-stack frameworks in the past (e.g. Meteor) but they can be a good option for some.
– Source: Hacker News
11 months ago
Hapi.js commonly referred to as “hapi,” is an open-source web application framework for building web and application server systems in Node.js. It was created by Walmart Labs and is designed to provide a flexible and robust foundation for building web applications, APIs, and other networked software.
– Source:
11 months ago
Hapi – The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust.
over 1 year ago
Hapi.js is one of the best Node.js web framework, which is used for developing application program interfaces. Thanks to a strong plugin system Hapi.js, you can fully manage the development process. Hapi.js motivates the developer to focus on the reuse logic instead of spending time building the infrastructure.
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over 1 year ago
Joi validator used to be part of hapi but then became a standalone library that you can use everywhere where validation is needed. So for example, here’s how username validation can be done:.
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almost 2 years ago
Server-side rendering:
Next.js performs server-side rendering by default. This makes your application optimized for search engines. You can also integrate any middleware like express.js or Hapi.js, and you can run any database like MongoDB or MySQL.
– Source:
about 2 years ago
NestJs ‘s typescript support is just stellar since it is a pure typescript project from the ground up.
Some missing frameworks in your list
– Hapi
– feathers
– adonisJs
– sailsjs (something about this framework never ticked, typescript is a clear after thought compared to the others in the list).
about 2 years ago
With one service fixed, I just had to fix the memory problem in our core API. To understand how I fixed it, I think it’s relevant to provide some background into hapi.js. We use hapi as our main framework for our api and are currently running v20. As a company that deals heavily with turning assets into printable mail pieces we needed a framework that makes it easy to work with parsing payloads.
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about 2 years ago
1.) Node is a runtime, node and express are totally different. Essentially node is a means of running javascript code on a server / locally (outside of a browser). It uses chromes v8 engine to do so and provides “native” apis for filesystem access etc… (essentially via exposing c libraries along with some “communicative” code) – express on the other hand is a library (some people would call it a framework but…
about 2 years ago
I have tried out to create a new projects using create-react-app, create-next-app or any backend app using express or hapi, or any monorepo using lerna, turbo or nx.
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about 2 years ago
To build this plugin, you’ll need good Node.js skills and a knowledge of Express, Hapi or Koa routing, models, controllers, and middleware.
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about 2 years ago
Lob found itself in a similar situation with hapi, an open-source NodeJS framework used to build powerful and scalable web applications. We were running version v16 when v17 was announced. The release notes refer to v17 as a new framework because it makes fundamental changes to how business logic is interfaced with the framework. The main change and the motivation for this release was replacing callbacks with a…
– Source:
over 2 years ago
Hapi, or HTTP API, is an open source framework for developing scalable web applications. One of the most basic use cases of Hapi is to build REST APIs. You can build API servers, websites, and HTTP proxy applications with Hapi, and it allows developers to spend less time establishing infrastructure and more time writing reusable application logic.
– Source:
over 2 years ago
You would need to set up your backend with something like Nodejs and or for server-side routing and managing your API calls to your database server-side, not from the browser. You can use an ORM, such as to map to your database schemas easier (although Sequelize is optional).
over 2 years ago
If you’re set on JS (using only one language on a team/project can be very nice) common choices for backend often involve using Express or hapi with some ORM (like Prisma or Bookshelf).
over 2 years ago
I always used express before never really seeing any reason not to but as I’m preparing the tech stack for this project, I stumbled across AdonisJS, hapi and NestJS all of which I took interest in and now I’m stuck with decision fatigue but not enough time to create a working proof of concept in all of them.
over 2 years ago
You have to be more specific than directly asking for a comparison. Hapi team listed their claims on
almost 3 years ago
Opinionated frameworks usually come with a lot of boilerplate. It makes sense since that’s a way of imposing their logic on you. I second Adonis.js suggested by u/pixels0 and would also recommend Hapi.
almost 3 years ago
This amazing framework will help you to build a robust Node.js API. It’s important to know that there are other options to take like Sails, Meteor, Happi, among others. In this case we will use Express which is the most used one but it doesn’t limit you to use other one. You can read the whole Express documentation here.
– Source:
about 3 years ago
Not only that but their node server framework is open source, incredibly popular (, and even that is considered “slow” compared to its contemporaries.
about 3 years ago
I’ve slowly been exploring HapiJS as an alternative to the standard use of Express.
– Source:
about 3 years ago