Hexo is a static site generator, meaning it can generate and serve content rapidly compared to traditional CMS (Content Management Systems). This results in faster page load times and better performance.
Markdown Support
Hexo uses Markdown for content creation, making it simple for users to write and format text easily. Markdown is widely used and allows for a clean separation of content and formatting.
Hexo provides a high degree of customization through its robust plugin system and theme capabilities. Users can easily extend functionality and change the look and feel of their site.
SEO Friendly
Hexo generates clean, static HTML files which are easily indexable by search engines. This makes it an SEO-friendly solution for creating websites and blogs.
Open Source
Hexo is an open-source project, which means it’s free to use, and you can contribute to the project or modify the source code to suit your needs.
Deployment Flexibility
Hexo supports a variety of deployment methods including GitHub Pages, Heroku, Netlify, and others, making it easy to publish your site.
My website is a static site built with Hexo and served through GitHub Pages. Hexo‘s documentation isn’t the best, but with a little digging, I found that, in the years since I last used it, they’ve provided a pretty robust first-party plugin for generating RSS and ATOM feeds.
– Source: dev.to
about 2 months ago
There’s also hexo [1]. I saw that on Matt Klein’s website [2] and the theme looked pretty clean. [1] https://hexo.io [2] https://mattklein123.dev/2020/03/08/2020-03-07-new-website/.
– Source: Hacker News
8 months ago
In my case, the latter is not possible because this blog is a static site, generated via Hexo and hosted on GitHub. It simply lacks a modifiable active server component.
– Source: dev.to
10 months ago
Previously I’ve used Nuxt2 and even sooner – hexo.io.
over 1 year ago
To make their creation easier, numerous open-source static websites generators are available: Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, Hexo, etc. Most of the time, the content is managed through static (ideally Markdown) files or a Content API. Then, the generator requests the content, injects it in templates defined by the developer and generates a bunch of HTML files.
– Source: dev.to
almost 2 years ago
There are also many alternatives for selecting Static-Side Generating blog framework such as Hexo, Gatsby, Next.js (more details here). We will pick Hexo as our framework because it is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework.
– Source: dev.to
over 2 years ago
Some alternatives I’m considering learning instead of Gatsby are Jeckyll or Hexo.
– Source: dev.to
over 2 years ago
Hello Joe_Boogz, Blog is using Hexo (https://hexo.io/) and a little modified Cactus theme (https://probberechts.github.io/hexo-theme-cactus/). If some of the websites looks interesting to you and you would like how they are built you can use Wappalyzer (https://www.wappalyzer.com/lookup/0ut3r.space).
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
The `generator` meta tag says it’s made with [Hexo](https://hexo.io/).
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
How do you manage the content? Or does the customer contact you and you edit the static sites yourself? I’m thinking about using hexo.io (made lots of great experiences with that) and the admin-plugin, so I can offer possible clients that they can edit the content themself, without needing me and without losing page speed.
over 2 years ago
I have personally used hexo[1] successuccessfully in th epast and would recommend it. Though any ssg, likd zola[2], should be enough. If youyou’re comfortcomfortable writing html directly it will also suffice. Make a list of what you need (posts, kmages, videos , comments) and compare SSGs[3]. [1]: https://hexo.io/.
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
[1] Hexo is pretty good, just simple static hosting. [1] https://hexo.io/.
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
I recently created my static blog site using hexo.io. It’s command line driven and Markdown based. One comnand to add a new Markdown file, one to build, one to deploy to DreamHost.
almost 3 years ago
When I bootstrapped my first blog, I picked Hexo, it’s an open source project, powered by NodeJS. I had a quick look at it, and it ticked all my boxes: Markdown, statically generated pages and a ton of ready-to-use
Themes. The statically generated pages will be important later on, so hang in there. Hexo worked great, 10/10 would recommend. The blog is still up today with zero maintenance.
– Source: dev.to
almost 3 years ago
What’s good about Hugo is really fast build times, previously I used both hexo.io and https://vuepress.vuejs.org/ but while vuepress is nice to start with it’s nearly impossible to finish the website due to lack of features. Hexo is also nice but their templating language is not always intuitive (my hexo based website: https://webhookrelay.com/).
about 3 years ago
I used to use hexo with hexo-renderer-org, but at some point I started getting too many issues. Can’t remember details right now. It was something with the hexo-renderer-org package.
about 3 years ago
No you’re absolutely right — these are all headless CMSes, I did not actually complete the JAMstack, only the wrong piece — I don’t know what I was thinking, don’t know what made me zoom in on CMSes so much, guess I think of them as more important than the front-end in a JAMstack. As recompense, some lesser known options for the frontend part of the JAMstack that weren’t mentioned in the original post: -…
– Source: Hacker News
over 3 years ago
I didn’t know about hexo – it’s Jekyll for node. https://hexo.io/.
– Source: Hacker News
over 3 years ago
There is pretty well known static site generator https://hexo.io/.
– Source: Hacker News
over 3 years ago
I ended up picking hexo[0], as the hexo admin plugin[1] provides a nice localhost CMS/editor that supports image pasting, tag editing etc (could be hosted online too for remote/mobile access, but wouldn’t be truly static/server-less at that point). [0] https://hexo.io/.
– Source: Hacker News
over 3 years ago
We will use Hexo as a blog framework, GitLab Pages as a free hosting with HTTPS and a custom domain, Node JS and Git.
– Source: dev.to
over 3 years ago