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Company Overview

The engagement layer for the internet. Hull is a platform that offers identity management, user engagement, segmentation and targeted messaging for your app.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Data Integration

    Hull offers robust data integration capabilities, allowing businesses to unify customer data from various sources into a single platform. This helps in creating a comprehensive customer profile.

  • Real-Time Segmentation

    The platform supports real-time segmentation, enabling marketers to promptly respond to customer behaviors and actions, and thereby deliver more personalized marketing campaigns.

  • Extensive API

    Hull provides an extensive API, which allows for significant customization and flexibility, making it easier for developers to integrate Hull into their existing systems.

  • Automated Workflows

    Hull enables the automation of complex workflows, reducing manual effort and increasing operational efficiency for marketing and sales teams.

  • Customer Data Hub

    As a Customer Data Platform (CDP), Hull centralizes all customer data, which helps in both strategic decision-making and enhancing overall customer experience.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons


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