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Meet Neo4j: The graph database platform powering today's mission-critical enterprise applications, including artificial intelligence, fraud detection and recommendations.


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  • Graph DB

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons

    Social Recommendations

    • Installing Neo4j In Ubuntu

      The first blog in this series is to install neo4j – desktop version and few plugins which would help us to build an application. I am using Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS.

      – Source:
      about 1 month ago

    • List of 45 databases in the world

      Neo4j — Leading graph database platform, known for its performance and scalability.

      – Source:
      2 months ago

    • Which Database is Perfect for You? A Comprehensive Guide to MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, and More

      Neo4j is a graph database that represents and stores data using graph structures with nodes, edges, and properties.

      – Source:
      3 months ago

    • How to choose the right type of database

      Neo4j: An ACID-compliant graph database with a high-performance distributed architecture. Ideal for complex relationship and pattern analysis in domains like social networks.

      – Source:
      7 months ago

    • Getting Started with GenAI Stack powered with Docker, LangChain, Neo4j and Ollama

      The GenAI Stack came about through a collaboration between Docker, Neo4j, LangChain, and Ollama. The goal of the collaboration was to create a pre-built GenAI stack of best-in-class technologies that are well integrated, come with sample applications, and make it easy for developers to get up and running. The goal of the collaboration was to create a pre-built GenAI stack of best-in-class technologies that are…

      – Source:
      12 months ago

    • How to Choose the Right Document-Oriented NoSQL Database for Your Application

      NoSQL is a term that we have become very familiar with in recent times and it is used to describe a set of databases that don’t make use of SQL when writing & composing queries. There are loads of different types of NoSQL databases ranging from key-value databases like the Reddis to document-oriented databases like MongoDB and Firestore to graph databases like Neo4J to multi-paradigm databases like FaunaDB and…

      – Source:
      about 1 year ago

    • [For Hire] Senior Developer with 14 years experience. Canadian expat in a low cost of living country | From 500 EUR per project/month

      Recently I have taken an interest in big data. , ,, – are all databases I have experience with. Neo4j and Cassandra only as a hobby, but Clickhouse I have used in production, and Elasticsearch I have used for some 7 years now.

      over 1 year ago

    • SQL Versus NoSQL Databases: Which to Use, When, and Why

      For organizations and their applications that are designed to detect fraud, like International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, or try to improve customer experience via personalization, as in the case of Tourism Media, a NoSQL graph database like Neo4j is a good match. In these kinds of use cases, the quantity of data we’re dealing with is enormous, and the pattern we’re searching for in the data is often…

      – Source:
      over 1 year ago

    • Graph Databases vs Relational Databases: What and why?

      First, you need to choose a specific graph database platform to work with, such as Neo4j, OrientDB, JanusGraph, Arangodb or Amazon Neptune. Once you have selected a platform, you can then start working with graph data using the platform’s query language.

      – Source:
      over 1 year ago

    • The Basics of Querying with Cypher in PostgreSQL using Apache Age

      Welcome to the world of graph databases! When it comes to modelling complex and highly connected data, graph databases have proven to be an efficient and intuitive solution. And one of the most popular graph databases out there is Neo4j, which uses a query language called Cypher.

      – Source:
      over 1 year ago

    • Movin’ On Up: An Analysis of The Privilege Escalation Vulnerability CVE-2022-26923

      First, privilege escalation would be a bit difficult without visibility of whose privilege level should be targeted. Of course, as mentioned previously, AD does offer the ability for an authorized domain user to simply query the data for information they’re interested in like usernames, email addresses, group memberships, etc., which is one way that visibility could be obtained. However, we’ve seen that with a…

      – Source:
      almost 2 years ago

    • Adding Record & Type Checking in TypeScript with Generics

      Recently, while working on a new feature for Neo4j GraphAcademy, I noticed an omission with the Neo4j JavaScript driver in TypeScript projects.

      – Source:
      almost 2 years ago

    • What are simple examples of data that is better stored with NOSQL.

      A graph database (something like Neo4j) seems like a case where NoSQL offers tangible advantages. Heirarchical/recursive queries aren’t a strong point of relational databases. If I’m not mistaken, OG relational algebra didn’t allow for recursion.

      about 2 years ago

    • System Design: The complete course

      For mutual friends, we can build a social graph for every user. Each node in the graph will represent a user and a directional edge will represent followers and followees. After that, we can traverse the followers of a user to find and suggest a mutual friend. This would require a graph database such as Neo4j and ArangoDB.

      – Source:
      about 2 years ago

    • Visualizing TigerGraph & Neo4j databases with “Davraz”

      I created Davraz for TigerGraph 2020 Graphathon. (It got 1st Place Reward YAAAY!) It is a tool for visualizing your TigerGraph and Neo4j databases. TigerGraph and Neo4j are graph databases. Usually, data is stored in SQL databases. Graph databases are a fairly new way to store data.

      – Source:
      over 2 years ago

    • [For Hire] Senior Developer with 13 years experience – Project-based, flat price.

      – Recently I have taken an interest in big data. , ,, – are all databases I have experience with. Neo4j and Cassandra only as a hobby, but Clickhouse I have used in production, and Elasticsearch I have used for some 7 years now.

      over 2 years ago

    • Storing and accessing a graph at scale?

      Check out (page about scalability:

      over 2 years ago

    • Any small NOSQL database which is lighter than mongo?

      There’s something even better to represent inter-connected data: graphs

      over 2 years ago

    • 20+ Free Tools & Resources for Machine Learning


      A graph database management system that allows you to track where private information is stored and which systems, applications, and users access it.

      – Source:
      over 2 years ago

    • Firebase is Dead: What is the Perfect Database in 2022?

      5. Neo4j
      Neo4j is that ‘most popular’ graph database everyone knows. They focus too much on the analytical users, and are missing out on the Firebase users. They have advanced querying capabilities with cypher, math functions, and triggers. While they do have basic constraints, they do not have policies. However, you could write your own with triggers. Neo4j is really a beast and competes more with sql databases…

      – Source:
      over 2 years ago

    • Building a Knowledge Base Service With Neo4j, Kafka, and the Outbox Pattern

      Keeping this line of thought, we came up with the idea of having a new service with a Neo4j database that would persist all our entities and their relationships. Then, this service would be able to make all those complex queries in a much friendlier and easier way by taking advantage of the cypher query language to traverse the knowledge graph with any desired relationship length.

      – Source:
      over 2 years ago

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