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Company Overview

Monitor your servers, containers, and applications, in high-resolution and in real-time.


Company Information




Features & Specs

  • Dashboards & visualizations

    Digestible, intuitive, and visually appealing charts for troubleshooting.

  • Configurable

    Zero configuration. Zero maintenance. No preparations. Sane defaults. Auto-detection for all metrics. Immediately usable.

  • Metrics

    Netdata collects, stores and visualizes all the metrics available. We almost never filter out metrics. The more metrics, the better.

  • Real time monitoring

    Netdata is real-time. It collects all metrics every second and it has a data collection to visualization latency of less than a millisecond.

  • Analytics and Reporting

    Detailed analysis on how applications and systems are performing

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons

    Social Recommendations

    • Trying to decide best practices for production environment

      Pros are instant HA and Migration. Cons are huge bandwidth hits. With your 4x1gbe you would be maxed out on replicating those 25 VMs. You wouldn’t have anything for users. I have a test lab with 4 nodes, 22cpu 100gbram and 30tb space, using low end stuff, 12hdds. Proxmox, ceph dashboard, (the native ceph dashboard you can turn on), and a account. So I watch it like a hawk and like to load test.

      over 1 year ago

    • Ask HN: Reducing the maintenance surface area of hosting a small internal app

      Docker-compose, not k8s. Set up a script to update the OS, pull all your containers and reboot after hours once a week or once a day. Make sure the script specifies non interactive. Set up alerting for low disk space, see or use your own tool.

      – Source: Hacker News
      over 2 years ago

    • What’s your preferred stack?

      There can be some issues if you mix and match elastic versions, wazuh versions, logstash versions. But the documentation guides you very well with matrix of what is and is not compatible. You will want a beefy VM to run it in, I started smaller than I should of, and after running a while it kind of puked on itself, certain things would randomly stop working. After giving it 32GB RAM, plenty of disk 4TB, and 8…

      almost 3 years ago

    • Netdata on MacOS

      $ brew info netdata
      Netdata: stable 1.29.3 (bottled)
      Diagnose infrastructure problems with metrics, visualizations & alarms
      Not installed
      License: GPL-3.0-or-later
      ==> Dependencies
      Build: autoconf ✘, automake ✘, pkg-config ✔
      Required: json-c ✘, libuv ✘, lz4 ✘, openssl@1.1 ✔
      ==> Caveats
      To start netdata:

      almost 3 years ago

    • Netdata cloud and data control

      What I know is that each node’s data is still primarily stored on the node itself, and I’ve figured that the Registry used by Netdata cloud stores only URLs and randomly generated UUIDs.

      So my question is, will any other data be stored outside of my nodes?

      Does Netdata Cloud have access to my servers 24/7 or only when I got a browser tab with Netdata cloud open?

      Is there more information on security and data…

      over 3 years ago

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