Responsive Design
Pinegrow offers a suite of tools for creating responsive web layouts. It allows designers to easily adjust their layout to accommodate different screen sizes and devices.
Real-time Preview
Pinegrow provides a real-time preview, allowing users to see changes as they make them. This helps to streamline the development process by offering immediate feedback.
Multi-page Editing
Users can edit multiple pages simultaneously, which is highly efficient for maintaining consistency across a website.
Supports Various Frameworks
Pinegrow supports multiple frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, and WordPress, providing flexibility and versatility in web design and development.
Components and Libraries
The software includes a variety of built-in components and libraries, which can be easily dragged and dropped into projects, speeding up the development process.
Code and Visual Editing
Pinegrow allows for both code and visual editing, catering to both developers and designers. Users can switch seamlessly between views to suit their workflow.
Check Pinegrow. It’s perfect builder for someone who know how to code. You will need to get used to it, but once you are familiar with it, its super great 🙂
about 1 year ago
Figma is a design/prototyping tool. So probably yes, but it’s not directly resolving your end result. Webflow is SaaS, specifically a visual builder for websites. The two are not really comparable in which to choose. A better comparison would be Figma or XD. And for Webflow, something like Pinegrow, or CofeeCup’s Responsive Site Designer. Would be better comparisons.
over 1 year ago
5+ year web flow dev here!
i’ve been heavily contemplating a move to pinegrow or the “open source webflow” webstudio.
over 1 year ago
I also don’t have much experience with DW but something that I have seen do similar stuff is pinegrow which is quite cheaper. It has free trial so maybe you could see if it will fit your needs.
almost 2 years ago
Pinegrow is pretty awesome and free and something I’m increasingly working with.
almost 2 years ago
Https:// fits the description. So does though perhaps to a lesser degree.
almost 2 years ago
Pinegrow Web Editor, a WYSIWYG HTML editor that handles many modern front-end frameworks well, is on sale for 35% off for new purchases, and 50% off for renewals of existing licenses. They offer both subscriptions and perpetual licenses.
almost 2 years ago
I’ve gotten good results with both Pinegrow and Bootstrap Studio. The author of Pinegrow is on HN and might comment if he sees this.
– Source: Hacker News
almost 2 years ago
You may use Pinegrow for that. It’s like ACF on steroids, and, frankly, better integrated with the Block Editor. It generates custom blocks (static or dynamic) based on your layouts.
about 2 years ago
As the HTML/CSS site has already been created, I recommend Pinegrow for this.
about 2 years ago
I always preferred it that way myself. Used netobjects Fusion for years and many sites. From what I remember, the push for html5 and super lean / clean / and ‘validating code’ for google search results made it difficult for the older tools to stay in favor. Also the move to mobile.. And not just “” – making so javacript / bootstrap type things came to be favored for a while (lack of grid / flex in browsers…
– Source: Hacker News
about 2 years ago
I have a long fondness for visual builders that work well. Spent some time working with but right now I find and to be most excellent for SvelteKit.
about 2 years ago
Take a look at Pinegrow [0] (I’m the author). It is a desktop app that lets you visually work with standard HTML & CSS files and supports frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS or just plain old CSS. There are also more advanced features, for example live SASS compilation, components, interactions and even exporting WordPress themes and blocks. [0]
– Source: Hacker News
about 2 years ago
Have you tried tools like and Or ones like Shuffle outputs proper tailwind code. I’ve used it a bit to get projects started.
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
The commercial Pinegrow editor comes pretty close to what the author wants:
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
HTML/CSS (Web) -> Check out – you can use with Spring Boot & Thymeleaf.
over 2 years ago
SSGs are not “super easy” for non-devs. What’s super easy is things like or, with more functionality,
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
I have been working with Pinegrow for the past few years and I love it! They have added a super simple way of creating your own Gutenberg blocks and using dynamic content.
almost 3 years ago
“charging $144/year for a static site?” – thanks for posting this. I generally avoid software I can’t buy and own, and with pricing like that it seems that are not trying to get pro / semi-pro site builders with this. With that price, I’d buy pinegrow and build lots of sites for about the same price. ( ) I guess this is more trying to carve a niche within the niche of wix/ squarespace /…
– Source: Hacker News
almost 3 years ago
I also own Pinegrow, Bootstraptor, and a few others, which are all good in their own right, and have their own positions in the market. But BS is always my go-to favorite. Unfortunately, since BS has no plans to support Tailwind, I will be looking for a new home soon myself. Most likely Pinegrow, since it supports Tailwind out of the box.
about 3 years ago
I’ll just leave this here…
Drag-m-drop, code editor, wp integration, animations, other frameworks available, custom bootstrap, etc etc!!!
Very friendly trial modes too.
about 3 years ago