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Features & Specs

  • Unified Library

    Playnite allows you to consolidate games from different platforms into a single, unified library, making it easier to manage and access your game collection.

  • Open Source

    Being an open-source project, Playnite offers transparency and the ability for community-driven updates and features. Users can contribute to its development.

  • Extensible with Plugins

    Playnite supports various plugins, which can extend its functionality to include additional features such as game tracking, alternative themes, and integrations with other services.

  • Customizable UI

    The user interface in Playnite is highly customizable, allowing users to personalize their game library view according to their preferences.

  • Supports Multiple Game Platforms

    Playnite supports integration with many gaming platforms like Steam, GOG, Epic Games, Origin, and Uplay, providing one-stop access to all your games.

  • Automatic Game Import

    It can automatically import games from numerous platforms and even detect locally installed games, which saves time and effort.

  • Videos

    External Sources including reviews & comparisons

    Social Recommendations

    • Microsoft Says Apple’s 30% Fee Makes Xbox Cloud Gaming iOS App ‘Impossible’

      The surprising thing is that PC is an open platform where people could compete with Steam on even terms if they actually tried. Gamers don’t like installing 5 different game launchers and Steam is the oldest one with all their games and is mostly a neutral party. I recently installed Playnite [1], an open source game library manager and its been incredible. It pulls in games from all launchers/sources and gives…

      – Source: Hacker News
      19 days ago

    • I wrote an app for myself to filter my library by HLTB

      I’ve done something similar before with Playnite (an open-source PC game library manager), which has an HLTB plugin.

      10 months ago

    • Tags no longer register and i’ve finally had it with galaxy 2.0. Any recommended alternatives?

      Playnite: The one with the most features and libraries available via addons and has a lot of options for customization. In my opinion the best one available for this purpose.

      10 months ago

    • What tools do I install?

      As for my LGO, the only other app I’ve installed outside of the standard launcher was Playnite to consolidate all games into one place as Legion Space doesn’t detect everything I have installed and I don’t want to manage manually adding games to their launcher.

      10 months ago

    • Login in to various stores when launching games

      Use playnite instead of the individual launchers.

      10 months ago

    • Steam Deck OLED

      Here is where I come in and recommend everyone check out Playnite: When I care about supporting a developer or publisher and they offer their product on their own storefront DRM-free, I will often go there to buy. Or I buy from GoG which takes a smaller cut. Playnite lets me launch my Steam and non-Steam games in a seamless fashion. Steam still does a great job as a game installer/patch…

      – Source: Hacker News
      11 months ago

    • PSA: Playnite Launcher has a “HDR Mode” per game!

      For anyone with any of the myriad of HDR monitors that prefers to leave desktop mode in SDR RGB, I just discovered that the excellent Playnite game launcher has a feature where you can enable HDR on a per-game basis. Simply tick the “Enable HDR support” option under “Advanced” tab for the settings of the games that you want HDR turned on for. I was previously using the now-abandoned AutoActions for this, so glad…

      about 1 year ago

    • How to keep track of hours using source ports?

      Not exactly what you are looking for, but I’ve been using Playnite to launch everything on my computer for years.

      about 1 year ago

    • Do any good ‘launchers’ for PC games exist?

      Playnite is a pretty good one, in my experience at least. It’s open source, fully customizable, and you can import libraries from steam, gog, epic, etc.

      about 1 year ago

    • Anyone switch from PC to Xbox?

      I use this launcher

      about 1 year ago

    • Trying to use Sunshine to play Diablo 4 on my Sony OLED – help!

      Try playnite it was a game changer for me. Awesome tool. I use it for my streaming needs to TV/Steam Deck/iPad.

      about 1 year ago

    • Is Nvidia Shield good for streaming PC to Tv over LAN?

      I setup Sunshine to open an app called playnite ( which consolidates all of the games I have from all of the major stores (Steam, Epic, Battlenet, etc) into one controller friendly interface. This way I dont need a keyboard and mouse when I am in front of my tv.

      about 1 year ago

    • I really wish someday yuzu get the option to show the games as a grid

      Use playnite. They even have a skin that will make it look like the switch. It also can pull games from any launcher (steam, epic, gog, etc.)

      about 1 year ago

    • Don’t sleep on Star Trek Resurgence!

      I’m sorry for the trouble your friends got with Epic, surely other storefronts have more options / are better, but in the end – aside from the occasional issue, it’s just a launcher and personally I don’t mind wether a game is on Steam, or on Epic or U-play or GoG. They’re just launchers and I don’t even see them thanks to Playnite which merges them all :-).

      about 1 year ago

    • Don’t sleep on Star Trek Resurgence!

      No, for PC it’s on Epic. If you’re concerned with another launcher, check Playnite which merges all of them and you don’t even need to know which launcher is used in background :).

      about 1 year ago

    • Finally got the nerve to mod it

      No, it’s a program. I’m running Windows on the deck.

      about 1 year ago

    • Are third party clients against steam tos?

      I always hoped that some Hero Coder will develop a Steam plugin for which will also use SteamCMD but with the acceptable and most functional looks of PlayNite with-Out the bloatware Steam became as of this update. As long as no one tries to breach the Steam-DRM, all of above told are allowed because Valve is the only developer friendly store to offer their own code also on…

      over 1 year ago

    • Trying to clean up save files in mGBA

      Alternatively, you can use a game launcher, like Playnite, and boot your games from there.

      over 1 year ago

    • Figuring out and keeping track of your Sims 2 playtime: A Reticulated Guide

      Playnite is a highly customizable, completely free video games library that acts as a hub for your games. In that way, it’s similar to GOG Galaxy. However, Playnite comes with a lot more customization options. One of such options, which we care about for the purposes of this guide, is the ability to edit your playtime for any game. Once you’ve added a game to your library, you can edit its details, and in the…

      over 1 year ago

    • Male Sorcerer transmogs are awful

      I don’t think so, which is incredibly stupid and annoying since Diablo 3 was great at showing you all your characters’ play time. We know that this game tracks it behind the scenes because if you die as a hardcore character it’ll show you how much you played. In the meantime, best thing I know of is using the program Playnite which can track basically any kind of game across every platform (on PC), including…

      over 1 year ago

    • Fresh windows 11 – what should I install?

      Playnite for a unified game launcher (although it naturally runs into the issue with standards and I just use steam 95% of the time anyways).

      over 1 year ago

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