JavaScript is a clear winner in the category of mobile development. There are some niche frameworks to do mobile development with Python—like Kivy and PyQT—but pretty much nobody uses them.
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over 2 years ago
If none of those are to your liking, you can use PyQT (or Pyside) but the learning curve is much steeper.
over 2 years ago
Also, there is the PyQt module which is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for the Qt GUI. It has Qt Designer.
about 3 years ago
As for PyQt, that’s developed entirely independently from Qt (by Riverbank Computing). The major/minor versions usually line up with the respective Qt releases (since the Qt release introduces new APIs, so a new PyQt release is needed to expose those to Python). However, it’s versioned independently, and a new patch release of PyQt might be needed before/without Qt releasing a new patch release. For more details,…
over 3 years ago