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Company Overview

Rescale is a cloud simulation platform that helps engineers and scientists build, compute, analyze, and scale simulations with high performance computing (HPC) in the cloud.


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  • Cloud based HPC – some novice questions.

    The good thing with AWS is that there is plenty of videos and documentation online that will explain you step by step how to set it up. If you want a more easy to use cloud hpc platform check Rescale, prices are also quite similar to AWS but they already did all the hard work for you.

    10 months ago

  • What has changed during the past 8 years ?

    The mode of running large CFD simulations has changed some, with cloud HPC and GPU computing being so ubiquitous and accessible now. This has offloaded much of the heavy-lifting off of local workstations and clusters and enabled much more complexity for CFD simulations. Online platforms like ReScale (for running 3rd party codes) and SimScale (for a browser-based, cloud native solution) come to mind.

    about 1 year ago

  • Will COMSOL run on a powerful local Virtual Machine

    I’d suggest that you could also test your proposed configuration with something like to see if the machine you’re looking to build provides the performance you’re looking for prior to making the investment.

    about 2 years ago

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