Ease of Use
Ruby is designed with a focus on simplicity and productivity. Its syntax is easy to read and write, which makes it accessible for beginners as well as enjoyable for seasoned developers.
Rich Libraries
Ruby boasts a large ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails, which speed up the development process and provide robust solutions for common tasks.
Community Support
Ruby has a vibrant and active community, which means lots of resources, gems (libraries), and forums are available for learning and problem-solving.
Dynamic Typing
Ruby’s dynamic typing allows for more flexible and rapid development, as it doesn’t require variable type declarations and allows for more expressive code.
Ruby has powerful meta-programming capabilities that allow developers to write more abstract and flexible code, reducing repetition and improving code maintainability.
The counter function is written in Ruby. Since Ruby is an interpreted language, AssemblyLift deploys a customized Ruby 3.1 interpreter compiled to WebAssembly, which executes the function handler. Since the interpreter is somewhat large, the cold-start time of a Ruby function tends to be larger than that of a Rust function. Our counter is being run in the backround, so we’re fine with it being a little bit laggy…
– Source: dev.to
almost 2 years ago
But, in general I was told use rubyapi.org unless you _really_ want to stick with the ruby-lang.org docs for all you do (which is fine) or to dig more into some object hierarchy, etc.
about 2 years ago
[2] ‘rbenv’ – https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv – Ruby version management utility. Run something like rbenv install 3.1.1 to install that version on your system (requires related project ruby-build), then rbenv local 3.1.1 in your code’s directory to specify that for any ruby command in that directory only, you want to use version 3.1.1 that you installed through rbenv. Does other useful stuff too. Only does Ruby,…
over 2 years ago