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Company Overview

Scala is a pure-bred object-oriented language that runs on the JVM.


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  • how to setup scala

    I have a new windows 10 and downloaded the Coursier installer from, the says that you should have either java8 or java11 installed but most tutorials online and posts says to install latest version of java, which java jdk version should I install or does Coursier install it for me or do I choose the latest jdk (java-jdk-19)?

    almost 2 years ago

  • [NEWBIE] Problem with the very first project (Coursier installer, Win 10, Java 8)

    Try manually installing sbt without coursier. The instructions are on

    about 2 years ago

  • The “Either” Issue

    I had met the core developers, we had discussing a lot about which technology would better address our demand and, after many considerations, we had chosen Scala.

    – Source:
    over 2 years ago

  • Next programming language?

    I like scala. It combines object-oriented and functional programming into one high-level language, which makes it fun to learn. I don’t know if it is popular in the robotics industry, but it runs on the jvm and can be combined with java, so there is that. I recommend the book “programming scala“.

    over 2 years ago

  • 25 years of OCaml

    Scala with the Typelevel ecosystem. Stay on the jVM, but have a much more pleasant and robust experience, including a great REPL.

    over 3 years ago

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