Powerful Data Analysis
Splunk provides robust data indexing and search capabilities, allowing users to analyze large volumes of log data with high flexibility and efficiency.
Real-Time Processing
Splunk enables real-time monitoring and analysis of data, which helps in immediate detection of anomalies and operational issues.
Splunk can efficiently scale to handle large amounts of data from various sources, making it suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises.
Wide Range of Integrations
Splunk offers extensive integration options with numerous third-party applications and services, enhancing its functionalities and utility.
User-Friendly Interface
Splunk comes with a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface, which makes it easier for users to navigate and leverage its features without extensive training.
Advanced Security Features
Splunk includes comprehensive security features such as access controls, data encryption, and auditing capabilities to ensure data protection and compliance.
I’m using the free 60day Enterprise license and tried to install different apps from the “Browse more apps” menu in Splunk Enterprise, but it doesn’t accept my credentials when I try to log in. I tried my username and password from splunk.com(which I’m sure it works, because I tried it straight away on the official website). Also I tried using my username and password with which I’m accessing Splunk Enterprise,…
10 months ago
I’m noticing a questionable trend in Splunk question/answer structure for these free courses on splunk.com
So I go to an exam dump to try and compare to something I have studied thus far. (Prepping for entry level 1002).
11 months ago
With your splunk.com username, you can login to Splunk trainings portals as well https://www.splunk.com/en_us/training.html .. There are lots of free trainings available. Enroll yourself, complete them, you will gain more confidence.
about 1 year ago
VAST is an open-source SecDataOps project for working with data from open-source security tools. Version 3.0 adds a pipeline syntax similar to splunk, Kusto, PRQL, and Zed.
over 1 year ago
I’m entering my correct credentials for splunk.com nothing happends, even tried downloading the tgz file from splunkbase and then going the install app from file route. Nothing happens. No failure message, no app downloading. Please help!
over 1 year ago
So, in recent 3 weeks I have tried to get a pricing for Splunk Enterprise Security for my company. I used the web form on splunk.com multiple times, and haven’t received any sort of response. I even traced the mail flow to see if any mail was rejected by filters but nada. Hence my question. Anyone got some kind of contact I can email directly?
almost 2 years ago
Go to splunk.com, logon to your Splunk account.
almost 2 years ago
It wasn’t using the auth through RainFocus anymore, it was using splunk.com – separate accounts as well, which is why the attendee pass didn’t give access. Still, I don’t see a way to log into the RainFocus domain side to force that auth instead of SSO thru splunk.com.
about 2 years ago
Splunk.com has some free classes. I would suggest being able to read a TCP packet trace and pick any IPS vendor, find out how to read logs from any major security vendors. This is a very good skill but can also be very useful in interviews. When you do get an interview, be ready with multiple questions for them that make you sound smart. Example: What is your procedure here for identifying vulnerabilities? …
over 2 years ago
I’m actually having trouble reaching splunk.com itself right now, so might not be you at all.
over 2 years ago
I just tried to create an account at splunk.com for that purpose and got this message. Any other alternatives that are quick to set up?
almost 3 years ago
I have requested access to splunk.com and splunkbase.splunk.com
The update button appears on the launchpage on all my servers and I can curl the sites from the cli.
almost 3 years ago
PROPS.CONF — Does it not allow 3 commas? It says on splunk.com it does.
almost 3 years ago
Sure, go on splunk.com and start with the free training then if you have the financial resources take a few of the paid courses. there’s also loads of youtube videos on splunk. Go forth and good luck.
about 3 years ago
If you do not know who they are, please DM me your splunk.com email / username.
over 3 years ago
If you go to your dashboard within splunk.com you should still be able to get a 7 day trial of ES Sandbox environment complete with dummy data under Free Trials and Downloads.
over 3 years ago
You need a free account on splunk.com to download the software; it looks like they’ve changed the site some, but what you want is here, that’s the download page for “Splunk Enterprise” (not Splunk cloud).
over 3 years ago
What format is the inputs and outputs of your project management?
What is the data like— qualitative or quantitative?
And if it’s qualitative, how could you convert the qualitative data into quantitative data for visualization?
If there are data in table format, it is very simple to visualize this; even with multiple variables.
Thinking what makes a big impact are Sankey diagrams where you see inputs and…
over 3 years ago