We have simplified the app experience to be used without creating an account. Legacy registered accounts are now only available on weheartit.com.
about 1 year ago
Do posts on websites such as weheartit.com or directories .. don`t worry about DA PA in the start just keep going until you reach at least 300 backlinks, this will gives you enough motivation to move ahead and keep working on it.
about 2 years ago
– When I enthusiastically looked for weheartit.com‘s API endpoints I found nothing. There is nothing to wrap so I make use of BeautifulSoup and requests to take care of the backbone. I find this method really frustrating because the people at weheartit.com could change the web elements anytime making the package broken. There’s really no difference between client and wrapper but I wanted to make sure this is not a…
about 2 years ago
Weheartit looks a bit similar to pinterest but not sure if it’s what you want and also, what pinterest glitches are you facing?
over 2 years ago
So yeah. It looks like you can upload GIFs to weheartit.com so I might try to move there… Sigh.
about 3 years ago
It’s not much, but it’s an API wrapper for the site weheartit.com.
over 3 years ago