> I’ve always thought there should be a modern, lightweight jQuery alternative like this. Have you heard of Zepto? https://zeptojs.com.
– Source: Hacker News
8 months ago
I once made a very crude and simple TiddlyWiki work-alike I called “HulloWurld” https://github.com/calroc/HulloWurld It’s 143 KB, but it includes copies of Knockout, Underscore, Zepto, and the “Marked” markdown parser… ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ( Good stuff BTW: http://knockoutjs.com/ http://underscorejs.org/ https://zeptojs.com/ https://github.com/chjj/marked ) Probably the only interesting bit is the code to save the page:…
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago
I think zepto.js is a better choice. It’s slightly bigger than cash but much closer to jquery (for example it has $.ajax) https://zeptojs.com.
– Source: Hacker News
over 2 years ago